API Enhancements:
Important: You must update your SDK to the latest version for all changes to take effect.
- Client SDK repository Vulnerability Critical issues fix (build related)
Fixed critical vulnerabilities identified in the Client SDK repository
Impacted Functionality: Client SDK (Wallets, Checkout Buttons, HTML Widget, Canvas3DS)
- 4XX error is now returned when a POST /charges request contains only the “amount” and “currency” properties
Implemented a fix to ensure that when a charge request only contains the “amount” and “currency” properties, the application returns a 4XX error. Previously this returned a 504 Gateway time-out error. This has been amended.
Impacted Functionality: Charge creation
- 4xx error is now returned when the incorrect format of the fraud charge ID is used in the request
Implemented a fix to ensure that the application returns a 4XX error rather than a 504 Gateway time-out error when the incorrect format of the fraud charge ID is used in a request.
Impacted Functionality: Accertify (Fraud charge)
- Report generation enhancement – URL string length
Implemented a fix so that clients can now generate reports without any size limitations.
- Extended the limitation for whitelist IP functionality
Extended the limitation on the amount of IPs and domains that can be whitelisted.
Impacted Functionality: Reports
- New-Relic monitoring for Wallets, standalone refunds & standalone 3DS
Implemented a fix to ensure that the flows for standalone 3DS, standalone refund and wallets are accurately monitored by New Relic.
Impacted Functionality: New Relic external request service tracking
UI Enhancements:
- Address details are now sent from the UI while creating a charge
Implemented a fix to ensure that when address details are provided during charge creation through the UI, they are sent to the gateway. Previously only the country code was sent, and so this has been amended.
Impacted Functionality: Charge creation
- Accessibility enhancement | text color contrast ratios
Implemented a critical recommendation for text colors to align with the WCBA guidelines. These are otherwise known as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, referenced internally by A11Y and developed by the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI). The contrast for UI elements has been enhanced, and some colours have changed.
Impacted Functionality: Front-End – Dashboard