UI Enhancements:
- Added a mask for the Public and Secret key in the dashboard
Added a mask for the public and secret keys, as well as the last key reset date. This provides an additional layer of security.
Impacted Functionality: API and Settings section in Dashboard
- UI users no longer need to manually clear their cache after release
After the release, UI users often need to clear their cache manually to enable the latest changes to be reflected. To ensure that there is no need for manual cache clearing following the release, the deployment process has been improved.
Impacted Functionality: Dashboard caching
- Hidden disabled “Feature Options” Headers From Lower Scopes
If the header options in the “Feature Options” modal window are disabled/unticked for a specific Brand on the Global scope, these options will be hidden for the Merchant on the Brand scope in the “Feature Options” view as well.
Impacted Functionality: Feature Options modal window
- Template Selection Bug under charges
Default Txns and Default Charges templates are now applied from the first click.
Impacted Functionality: Templates on the Charges page
- Added filtering for subscriptions by status
Introduced a filter feature in the Dashboard to allow Merchants to search for subscriptions based on their status.
Impacted Functionality: Subscription
- Introduced a fix to ensure that editing a subscription does not cause the next transaction to trigger
Previously when the customer edited a subscription, the next transaction triggered even when the following frequency/interval timing was not met. A fix has been introduced to resolve this.
Impacted Functionality: Subscription
- Improvements made to the Dashboard, ensuring subscription updates are smoother and more reliable
Previously when ‘End Subscription’ was set to ‘Never’ on the Dashboard, there were issues with the updates. This has been fixed.
Impacted Functionality: Subscription
API Enhancements:
- ‘Unable to acquire ticket with mode ‘2’ within a max lock request timeout of ‘5ms’ milliseconds
The issue in the BIN service was resolved by adjusting the MongoTransactionManager configuration. Load tests were conducted to ensure improved stability in handling transactions and preventing lock timeouts.
Impacted Functionality: Application level
- Stop automatic status checks for authorised, and refund type of charges in case the transaction is not found on the gateway side
For authorised, refunded transactions, in the scenario where there is no updated response back from the gateway after 30 days of the initial request(creation date) being sent, automatic status checks are stopped.
Impacted Functionality: Charges in ‘authorised’ and ‘refund_requested’ statuses
- Extend the list of errors for triggering auto-reversal with MPGS
To extend the list of errors for triggering auto-reversal with MPGS by introducing gateway_specific_code: pending_processing
Impacted Functionality: Auto-reversal with MPGS
- Unexpected error message for invalid card number
Added a generic “Invalid Card Number” error message for all validation errors received for invalid card numbers
Impacted Functionality: Charge creation
- Report inconsistent data extract
Fixed the report data inconsistency when filtering by ‘transactions.processed_at’ range key.
Impacted Functionality: Charges reporting
Widget Enhancements:
- Fixes introduced so that the Māori alphabet is fully supported by the SDK
Māori Character Support in Cardholder Name: the cardholder_name field in our payment widget has been enhanced to support Māori characters (ā, ē, ī, ō, ū, Ā, Ē, Ī, Ō, Ū).
Impacted Functionality: HtmlMultiWidget, HtmlWidget
- Improved the appearance of the Mastercard logo in Payment sources widget
Previously there were issues with the appearance of the Mastercard logo in the Payment sources widget. This has been resolved.
Impacted Functionality: Payment sources widget
- Gift card widget is throwing “card_scheme” error
The gift_card_scheme
parameter in the widget has been renamed to card_scheme
, and the processing_network
parameter has been renamed to card_processing_network
. This is so that both the widget and the API are aligned.
Impacted Functionality: HtmlMultiWidget, HtmlWidget
- Widget Monitoring through New Relic
Introduced widget monitoring through New Relic to ensure that our widget’s performance is monitored and issues are identified in a swift timeframe.
Impacted Functionality: New Relic & Widgets (Zippay, Afterpay V1, Paypal classic, Afterpay v2, Flypay v1, Flypay v2, Card widgets (simple and HtmlMultiWidget), visa SRC, payment source widget, Inbuilt 3ds & vault display)